219 Adams Ave Montgomery, AL 36101
(334) 262-7304

Get to Know Us

St Peter Catholic Church


Rev. Saleth Mariadoss, Pastor

Fr. Maria, as he is called, has won the hearts of many with his winning smile and friendliness. His homilies encourage the congregation to listen to God’s words and to do good works for His glory. He is formulating plans to fulfill his order’s mission, to work for the glory of God by the evangelization of the people and by the sanctification of its members.

He was ordained in 2005 at St. Joseph’s College in India and served as an assistant parish priest until 2007. His next appointment was as pastor and principal of Immaculate Conception Church and School in Sankarankovil where he supervised 15 schools and parishes until 2012.

Because his order, the Heralds of Good News, promises to send priests wherever they are needed, he found himself in the United States as parochial vicar at the Cathedral-Basilica of the Immaculate Conception and St. Mary’s, both in Mobile. He was the pastor at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Lillian, AL prior to being installed at St. Peter.


Deacon Jerry Conrad

Deacon Jerry was ordained on June 10, 2017 in Diocese of Tucson. In April 2022, Deacon Jerry moved back to Alabama after retiring. Deacon Jerry was officially assigned to St. Peter Parish on January 1, 2023. He is a 4th Degree Knight of Columbus and is active with the Hospitality Committee and the St. Peter Knights of Columbus Round Table. He served 12 years in the U.S. Marine Corps and 27 years with U.S. Customs and Homeland Security in Yuma, Arizona.
Deacon Jerry is married to Eva Conrad and they have one daughter; Ashley and two grandchildren; Alex and Jazlyn.



Parish Council
Religious Education
Adult Education
St. Gianna Society
Building & Grounds
St. Anne’s Guild
Prayer Line
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Dominican Project
Food for the Hungry
Knights of Columbus Round Table

Parish Groups

Knights of Columbus- St Peter Round Table 

Our Knights of Columbus Round Table meets the second Wednesday of each month in the parish hall. The St. Peter Round Table meeting is open to all current Knights as well as other practicing Catholic men age 18 and up. Our Round Table is affiliated with Holy Spirit Knights of Columbus Council 12150.

The Knights of Columbus has been called “the strong right arm of the Church,” and has been praised by popes, presidents, and other world leaders for supporting the Church, programs of evangelization, Catholic education, civic involvement, and aid to those in need.

Parish Choir

Music has always been a very important part of St. Peter Catholic Church. Music is essential in that it reinforces the readings and is not selected randomly without consideration of how it fits into the Mass. At the present time, the adult choir is the only active music organization in our parish. The adult choir sings for the 10:30 am Mass each Sunday. We also sing during Holy Week, Christmas, and any special Masses. Our choir meets on Wednesday from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm in the choir room in the school. No audition is required; all you have to do is come to practice. Being in the choir is a serious commitment because all members must come to practice and be at the Masses which we sing in order for the choir to function at its best.

St. Anne’s Guild

Saint Anne’s Guild was organized in 1939 to care for the St. Peter altar, sanctuary, and sacristy in cooperation with the St. Peter Altar Society. Throughout the years, we have also contributed to the care of the parish hall and other church property. In addition to weekly care and cleaning of the interior of the church, we are responsible for the candles and altar cloths. Did you ever wonder why the holy water fonts are always clean and filled, or how the church is always tidy and inviting – a place of serene beauty and contemplation? Our member volunteers are responsible for the clean church that you can enter every day of the year. 

We enjoy refreshments and camaraderie, and the opportunity to get acquainted and share ideas with others of our Catholic faith. We welcome all women at St. Peter to help us carry out our mission. If you are new to the parish, joining us would help you get to know folks. If you are a stay at home mother, join us and bring the children to our meetings (we love kids). If you are someone who has never had the time to join St. Anne’s Guild, please consider us again. This group will afford you the opportunity to take an active and meaningful role in your church, share your talents, meet new friends, and have fun doing it. You will find that all of our members are active throughout our church and can be found at church functions as well as working in committees including the Burse Club, the Bereavement Committee, the Kitchen Crew, and the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women. Our members are also involved in spiritual outreach programs such as helping the Dominican Monastery of St. Jude.


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